Thursday, June 27, 2013


Hello again! Above, you see the working card back for the Event deck cards. I recently received the last piece of artwork I was waiting on, and so I went ahead and created a print-ready PDF of the cards and sent  it off to That means I should be receiving an actual printed copy of the game within the next week or two, which will allow me to make a learn-to-play video and begin the open beta in earnest. Once I have the game and ensure everything looks okay on card stock, all I'll need to do is have the video and a public-read rule book, and I'll be able to activate the product on DriveThruCards for anyone to purchase. Note, still, that this is not the final version of the game and that much of the art stands yet uncommissioned.

But it is an exciting next step!

~ Andrew

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Play Mats

I haven't updated in a month because mostly what's going on lately is just that I'm waiting on a couple artists. I still need two more illustrations to be turned in, for the characters, and then I can move forward with the POD beta test plan. However, this past week, Inked Playmats ( had a sale, and I ordered four: one each of the previously-previewed Encounter artworks with gameplay guides and one of the Glowmount art without the guides (for my girlfriend to play Magic: The Gathering on).

I'm hoping to be able to make these available at some point, preferably through the Kickstarter campaign and then continuously afterward, but I am a bit wary of too many add-ons for Kickstarter, and I don't know the math on costs on larger orders.

Here's a photo of the Meltwood gameplay mat with an alpha edition of the game set up on it.

And here's a photo of the Meltwood mat without cards all over it.